
Sustainable surfside shipping container home

Location: South Australia, Australia

Project: Conversion of two shipping containers into a small home

Size: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom

Photographer: Lisa Booth, Booken Blend


Meet Kieran, a retired farmer and keen surfer who turned his beachfront property into an oasis of simplicity and creativity.

Rejecting the usual build norms, Kieran embraced the challenge of constructing his home from two recycled shipping containers. 


Kieran's journey from idea to idyllic home is a testament to eco-friendly innovation and the power of thinking outside the box (pardon the pun!).

His home isn't just a roof over his head; it's a statement of sustainable living and a love letter to the ocean.

  • "This retired farmer and keen surfer consciously decided to swim against the tide and let creativity and simplicity drive the evolution of his humble abode."

    — Lisa Booth, Booken Blend

The planning and design phase of a build is fraught with danger.


The planning and design phase is the stage of a build when it’s easy to get sucked into the whirlwind of keeping up with the Joneses and bigger-is-better, and it can feel like in the blink of an eye, you’re out other end with house plans and specifications that no longer align with your why OR your budget (we would know, it’s happened to us more than once).

But not Kieran.

Kieran set himself the challenge of using two recycled shipping containers as the basis of the build: one forty-foot high-cube container for the living and bathroom areas, offset with another 20-foot container for the bedroom.

Recycled timbers have been used to clad the exterior and to construct an enormous deck that cleverly connects indoors to outdoors, making the compact space feel open and airy. Boots and I can personally report that it’s an excellent place to enjoy a beer and some local fish and chips whilst watching the waves.

And whilst we are speaking of beautiful timber, Kieran’s handmade bathroom doors must be seen to be believed.

The hero of Kieran’s humble home, however, has to be the stunning sea views, which he has framed perfectly by adding double glazing to the end of the two shipping containers.

We would like to say a big thank you to Kieran for sharing his build with us, particularly as we may have… er… um… presented as creepy stalkers on our first meeting. Most of the ‘Almost-Eco Homes’ we share come to us via a kind message or tag, but in Kieran’s case, he came home to find us standing on his front nature strip, drooling over his handiwork.

All’s well that ends well, though; after we sheepishly explained our slightly creepy behaviour, one thing led to another and nek minute… Kieran finds himself on Booken Blend.




  • Recycled Foundations

    Kieran utilized two recycled shipping containers to create a unique, eco-friendly home on his beachfront property.

  • Emphasis on Timber

    The exterior and an expansive deck are clad with recycled timbers, enhancing the connection to nature and the outdoors.

  • Handmade Features

    Kieran's craftsmanship is showcased in the handmade bathroom doors and other custom woodwork throughout the home.

  • Maximizing Views

    The design smartly includes double-glazed windows to frame stunning sea views, blending indoor comfort with ocean vistas.

  • Simple Living

    The home emphasizes minimalism and functionality, reflecting Kieran's values of simplicity and environmental consciousness.

  • Creative Reuse

    The project is a testament to creative reuse, demonstrating that sustainable living can be both stylish and affordable.

Build Your Own Eco Dream Home

Explore how to integrate sustainable practices into your building plans and create a home that nurtures both family and nature.

For more detailed insights and guidance on creating your sustainable sanctuary, make sure you download our free Sustainable Build Checklist below.


Leet & Meg: A Journey to Self-Sufficiency in South Australia


Sam & Peter: Pursuit of a Sustainable Seaside Sanctuary