Amanda & Tim

The ultimate tiny home in South Australia

Location: South Australia, Australia

Project: Eco off-grid tiny home

Size: 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom

Booken Blend Resource: Social media

Photographer: Lisa Booth, Booken Blend


The tiny house dream.

Boots and I have always dreamed of creating a passively designed, off-grid, eco-conscious tiny home, so you can imagine our delight when we discovered ‘Eyre Way’ on South Australia’s rugged Eyre Peninsular.


This thoughtfully designed tiny home, known as Eyre Way and created by dynamic duo Amanda & Tim, features north-facing glazing for winter solar gain, a pitched ceiling for a spacious feel, efficient cross-ventilation, a solar power system, and a cozy loft space. It’s a testament to living large in small spaces, combining functionality with a touch of moody decor for a truly unique holiday experience.

  • "Boots and I have always wanted to build a tiny home, not just any tiny home though... we want to build a passively designed, off-grid, sexy beast kind of tiny home.”

    — Lisa Booth, Booken Blend

Our tiny house obsession is real.


I wouldn't like to admit how many hours I've spent over the years researching my dream tiny home (my Insta and Pinterest folders are shameful evidence); however, on one particular day, I was scrolling the gram and BOOM, there she was, my perfect tiny.

I instantly wanted to book a stay (purely for research purposes, of course); however, I quickly discovered this little gem is located in South Australia... ah bugger.

So, when we began planning our trip around Australia, I saw my opportunity and popped a stay at Eyre Way at the top of my wishlist.

So, after a blissful stay, here’s what we love about Amanda and Tim's gorgeous, cleverly designed tiny home…




  • Good Orientation

    North orientation for winter solar gain.

  • Pitched Ceiling

    Creates a beautiful , expansive feeling in such a smallspace.

  • Cross Ventilation

    Windows open up strategically to catch cooling prevailing winds.

  • Off-grid

    A battery powered solar system creates autonomy from the grid.

  • The Loft

    A clever, space-saving design feature for small people (Jedda loved it up there!).

  • Rain Water Harvest

    Water is collected off the roof for use in the tiny house.


Build Your Own Eco Dream Home

Explore how to integrate sustainable practices into your building plans and create a home that nurtures both family and nature.

For more detailed insights and guidance on creating your sustainable sanctuary, make sure you download our free Sustainable Build Checklist below.


Rachel & Haddy: From Drafty Tasmanian Cottage to Sleek Eco Dream


Leet & Meg: A Journey to Self-Sufficiency in South Australia