
Building smart on a suburban lot

Location: Victoria, Australia

Project: New build on a suburban lot

Project size: 4 bedroom, 2 living

Booken Blend Resource: Simple Sustainable Build Workshop

Photographer: Lisa Booth, Booken Blend


A build process is rarely easy and, more often than not, requires grit, determination and lots of hard questions.


Facing rising costs and design challenges, Shell showcases how dedication, smart planning, and a commitment to passive solar design can lead to creating your dream home on a suburban block.

  • "The new house isn't going to happen - we got the build quotes back, and they're astronomical."

    — Shell, Victoria, Australia

How Shell's eco-home almost didn’t happen

Shell has proven it's possible to build a beautiful home on a suburban block AND prioritise passive solar design; however, her build almost didn't happen.

I previously shared a progress update here on the journal of Shell’s build; it went like this…

I am sitting across the table from Shell, and she looks utterly defeated.

"The new house isn't going to happen," she says. "We got the build quotes back, and they're astronomical."

Uh oh.

Now, this is a pretty common theme I hear from aspiring homeowners since the spicy cough whipped our building industry into a ridiculous frenzy; however, I did NOT expect this from Shell.

This is because I know for a fact Shell has done her homework. She had taken the time to upskill herself, sought out professionals who aligned with her values, thought long and hard about her budget, and totally NAILED IT when she chose her well-oriented suburban block.

So, how did it all go pear-shaped?

Unfortunately, the build and design process can be extremely challenging for most of us to navigate, and it's far too easy to end up feeling bamboozled and completely disconnected from the original 'why' behind our new home.

Sometimes, this happens because we get carried away with big ideas and aspirations (the ‘you’re only going to do this once’ rhetoric); sometimes, it’s because of miscommunication between professionals, and sometimes, there’s a general lack of understanding and knowledge sharing between different sectors in the industry.

Whatever it is, it can cause a truckload of stress and financial strain for those of us dreaming of a new home.

Driving home from my meeting with Shell was the moment I decided to make our house plans available to others. It took us almost two years to design Booken House, to find the elusive balance of wants and needs versus budget (we set ourselves a limit of $400k to owner-build in 2016).

And no, I don't know what this figure would be in this current climate (sorry!), but I do know that finding the right balance is more important than ever!

When we were looking to build, I would have done almost anything to access real-life examples of simple, sustainable design before beginning our design process. I can only imagine how much time, money, and angst I would have saved.

Thankfully, Shell was able to go back to the drawing board. She found a supportive builder who helped her put a new plan in place. She removed excess from the design, simplified roof lines, reduced square meterage, and lowered the specs.

She found her balance and reconnected back to her why, and just look at the end result!



  • Smart Planning

    Comprehensive preparation and alignment with skilled professionals ensured the project's success.

  • Cost Challenge Overcome

    Despite initially high quotes, strategic design revisions made the project financially viable.

  • Passive Solar Design

    The design prioritizes passive solar techniques to enhance energy efficiency and comfort.

  • Simplified Design

    Reductions in square footage and simpler roof lines cut costs without sacrificing style.

  • Effective Collaboration

    A supportive builder and clear communication were crucial to navigating challenges and achieving the desired outcome.

  • Good Orientation

    Home oriented to capitalize on stunning north and south views and to capture winter sun.


Like what you see? Let’s work together

Our Simple Sustainable Build Workshop isn't just about building sustainable homes; it's about empowering you to make the decisions that are right for you, ensuring you're as involved in the process as you want to be, and saving money wherever possible.


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